How To Maintain A Healthy Immune System

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The immune system (immunity) is a combination of protective mechanisms of the body’s natural defense, which helps to counter and neutralize internal and external threats. Such threats include pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms, viruses, foreign substances, allergic agents. In certain cold … Continued

Proven Health Benefits of Blueberries

posted in: Overall Health | 0

The blueberry bush is a flowering branched shrub height from a few centimeters to half a meter. It has creeping rhizomes, oblong-ovate leaves, and small single pink-green flowers. Blueberry fruits (berries) are round or ellipsoidal, up to 8 mm in … Continued

Amazing Health Benefits of Strawberries

posted in: Overall Health | 0

Hardly anyone would argue with the fact that strawberries occupy a leading position among all the berries. Stunning taste, unique and alluring aroma, refreshing notes of aftertaste and a fantastic view of strawberries do not allow even the most notorious … Continued